We rely strongly on affiliations with universities, educational bodies, research institutions and other conservation facilities to bring in funding and expand our mutual opportunities. In return we share data and provide the location and facilities for research, conservation and educational opportunities in line with our cause.
There are multiple ways in which an affiliation could be established – whether it be collaborating on a specific research or conservation initiative, or creating an ongoing relationship supporting work over a number of years.
Our current affiliations include:
We are currently approaching schools, colleges and universities regarding the development of tailored field trips for secondary school aged children through to postgraduate students. These field trips are developed on a case by case basis to ensure that they tie in with the educational body’s curriculum and learning objectives. If you work work in an educational institution and would like to know more please GET IN TOUCH.
We are also in discussions with universities surrounding the hosting of undergraduate and postgraduate dissertation students who wish to carry out their own research projects. These research projects can be developed in line with any one of our projects and we are happy to offer support and guidance to students alongside their universities. If a student chooses to do their research project with us they are assigned a SORCE member of staff to act as their external supervisor in line with their universities guidelines, for the duration of their project. If you have students who would be interested in doing a research project with us please direct them to our RESEARCH THESIS PLACEMENT page so that they can gain a better idea of what is involved.
We welcome all queries regarding affiliation and would be happy to discuss any ideas you may have for working together and developing mutually beneficial programs. If you have any queries or would like more information about how your institution could become one of our affiliated partners then please GET IN TOUCH.
Click below to discover other ways to get involved